There's a lot to be said for a load of stress being removed from our lives. Overnight, I've gone from panic attacks, sleeplessness and lethargy to having a chilled out, productive day after a good night's sleep and an early (for me) morning.
See, my honey's had a position that's been causing a TON of stress for me. He deals with things a lot differently, but I had a chance to hear first hand (LOVE speakerphone!!) what he has to deal with the other day. This was Sunday morning, before he left for church. Let me tell you, it was AWFUL. It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut and not tell the person on the other end how unreasonable and disrespectful she was being. It even came down to her threatening his job, which was super stressful for me.
So yesterday he found out about a position that's open on the corner, just a minute's walk from our house and I convinced him to put his transfer request in. The supervisor there called him to make sure he wants the position and he said he did. Yippee!!! Then he had to call the unreasonable one and let her know he's transferring. Her reply: She's thankful he's leaving, and now maybe she can get someone in there who will do what she wants them to.
Now my honey's been doing HER job since September so she won't have to make a 30 minute drive down here each day. He hasn't been getting paid for it, but has been doing it out of the goodness of his heart. How dare she?? Sad thing is, he knows more about what's going on around the job site than she does. Sad, sad, sad. Too bad I didn't think to tape the conversations to turn into HR. But anyway....
Having said all that, it's amazing how much stress was taken from me just by knowing that in two weeks, my sweetie will be literally across the street instead of working two jobs from dawn until midnight. He's going to be working a split shift, which means he'll get to be home during the days, which also means I'll get to cook our lunches again!! Yipppppeeeee!!
So we've been cleaning house - Hannah's got OCD, and is an awesome little helper. Then I loosened up enough to give her a frozen fruit bar (Love Schwan's!) and sent her out back to play by herself for most of the afternoon while I browsed cookbooks and kept an eye on her. I even gave her a water pistol (I hate guns and don't think children should play with them, JMHO) so she could shoot the trees, as well as some candy! Wow, that's just NOT me at all!!
She helped me cook dinner, which is normally whatever we can throw together quickly, like sandwiches or whatever. We made an Italian meatloaf with bacon, roasted veggies with cracked black pepper and garlic, and steamed new potatoes with lemon butter and fresh parsley from our herb planter out front. Wow, I feel so stinkin' domesticated.
Scary, huh??
Nah, just back to feeling footloose and fancy free.
Well good for you Nita! Proud of you - scared of you too! LOL
ReplyDeletePeter - congrats on the new job, now perhaps we will see you in church more, right & you will be in next week's revival every night, right?